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Nov 26, 2012

Sexually Transmitted Infections among Young Americans

While sexually transmitted diseases affect individuals of all ages, STDs […]

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Oct 11, 2012

Sign the Reproductive Bill of Rights to Send a Message to our Pres and Congress to Protect our Rights!

The Bill of Reproductive Rights is an effort by the […]

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Sep 28, 2012

Benefits of Contraceptive Use in the US

A quick video from the Guttmacher Institute on the benefits […]

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Sep 26, 2012

American Academy of Pediatricians: Teens Should Have Emergency Contraception Prescriptions on Hand

In the US, girls under 17 need a prescription in […]

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Sep 23, 2012

Why we need Comprehensive Sex Ed

Among developed nations, the US ranks first in teen pregnancy […]

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Aug 3, 2012

Arizona – Vote for Healthcare!

Presenting the AZ Vote for Healthcare campaign: a collaboration of more than […]

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Jul 16, 2012

FDA approves Truvada for prevention of HIV/AIDS

The US Food and Drug Administration has approved the first […]

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Jun 8, 2012

FDA Approves New Breast Cancer Med

The US Food and Drug Administration today approved Perjeta (pertuzumab), a […]

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Feb 11, 2012

President Obama Tweaks Contraception Coverage Rule

President Obama announced on Friday, February 10, 2012 changes to […]

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Feb 6, 2012

Emergency Contraception – How it Works and Who Uses it

NPR piece on who emergency contraception is used by and […]

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Feb 22, 2010

Millennials of Color on Sex Ed

Millennials, young people 30 and under, are coming of age […]

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